IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Thin Server RFS Client (TSRC)

This chapter describes Thin Server RFS Client (TSRC) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: TSRC.001 generic_string

Long Syntax: TSRC.001 generic_string

Description: This is a generic RFS client error message that reports the specfied error.



Short Syntax: TSRC.004 ERROR: (errno= error_number): error_number_string

Long Syntax: TSRC.004 ERROR: (errno= error_number): error_number_string

Description: This is a generic RFS client error message that reports the string explanation associated with a given error number.



Short Syntax: TSRC.005 function_name() call failed rc= return_code errno= error_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.005 function_name() call failed rc= return_code errno= error_number

Description: The specified function call failed. The return code from the failed function call and the errno at the time of failure are indicated.



Short Syntax: TSRC.006 function_name() call failed rc= return_code

Long Syntax: TSRC.006 function_name() call failed rc= return_code

Description: The specified function call failed. The return code from the failed function is indicated.



Short Syntax: TSRC.007 Bad RC on function_name rc= return_code errno= error_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.007 Bad return code on function_name rc= return_code errno= error_number

Description: The specified function_name returned a bad return code. The return code from the failed function call and the errno at the time of failure are indicated.



Short Syntax: TSRC.008 ERROR: Bad RC from function_name (rc: return_code )

Long Syntax: TSRC.008 ERROR: Bad return code from function_name (rc: return_code )

Description: The specified function call returned a bad return code. The return code received from the specified function call is shown.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.009 generic_string

Long Syntax: TSRC.009 generic_string

Description: This is a generic RFS informational message used to print any informational text string.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.015 INFO: About to enter: function_name

Long Syntax: TSRC.015 INFO: About to enter: function_name

Description: This informational message indicates that the specified function is about to be invoked.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.016 Starting func function_name()

Long Syntax: TSRC.016 Starting function function_name()

Description: This message is generated at the start of the specified function. It indicates that the we are currently inside the specified routine.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.017 The function_name call completed ok

Long Syntax: TSRC.017 The function_name call completed successfully

Description: The specified function call completed successfully.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.018 RFS client thread is terminating

Long Syntax: TSRC.018 RFS client thread is terminating

Description: The RFS client thread is terminating.

Cause: This will most commonly occur when the user initiates a manual disable or restart of the thin-server feature. The detection of an unrecoverable exceptional error condition may also cause the RFS client thread to terminate.



Short Syntax: TSRC.019 ERROR: Rply is NOT expected_reply_id (ReqRplyID: received_reply_id)

Long Syntax: TSRC.019 ERROR: Reply is NOT expected_reply_id (ReqRplyID: received_reply_id)

Description: The RFS client received an unexpected reply from the master RFS file server. The expected and received identifiers are shown.



Short Syntax: TSRC.020 ERROR: rfs_reply_msg rply does NOT have a matching correlation id (req cid: request_cid rply cid: reply_cid)

Long Syntax: TSRC.020 ERROR: rfs_reply_msg reply does NOT have a matching correlation id (request cid: request_cid reply cid: reply_cid)

Description: The RFS client received an RFS reply that did NOT match the correlation identifier that was sent on the last request.



Short Syntax: TSRC.021 ERROR: on rfs_request_msg req write() (rc= return_code errno= error_number)

Long Syntax: TSRC.021 ERROR: on rfs_request_msg request write() (rc= return_code errno= error_number)

Description: An error occurred while writing the specified RFS client request command to the master RFS file server socket stream. The return code from the write() and the thread-specific errno at the time the error was detected are both shown.



Short Syntax: TSRC.022 ERROR: rfs_request_msg rply read() failed (rc= return_code errno= error_number)

Long Syntax: TSRC.022 ERROR: rfs_request_msg reply read() failed (rc= return_code errno= error_number)

Description: An error occurred while reading the specified RFS client reply from the master RFS file server socket stream. The return code from the read() and the thread-specific errno at the time the error was detected are both shown.



Short Syntax: TSRC.023 ERROR: rfs_reply_msg rply is too small (bytes read: num_bytes_read)

Long Syntax: TSRC.023 ERROR: rfs_reply_msg reply is too small (bytes read: num_bytes_read)

Description: The RFS client received a RFS reply which was smaller than expected. The number of bytes actually read is shown.



Short Syntax: TSRC.024 ERROR: File pathname not found on master RFS file server

Long Syntax: TSRC.024 ERROR: File pathname not found on master RFS file server

Description: The specified file was not found on the master RFS file server.

Cause: The specified file is not located on the master RFS file server.

Action: Place the specified file on the master RFS file server.

Cause: The specified file is in the preload list, but is not required for the thin-server cache.

Action: Remove the specified file from the preload list.



Short Syntax: TSRC.025 ERROR: rfs_reply_msg rply has a trunc header (bytes read: num_bytes_read)

Long Syntax: TSRC.025 ERROR: rfs_reply_msg reply has a truncated header (bytes read: num_bytes_read)

Description: The RFS client received an RFS reply from the master RFS file server with a truncated header.



Short Syntax: TSRC.026 ERROR: Unexpected rply to rfs_reply_msg req (ReqRplyId: reply_id)

Long Syntax: TSRC.026 ERROR: Unexpected reply to rfs_reply_msg request (ReqRplyId: reply_id)

Description: The RFS client received an unexpected RFS reply to the specified RFS request from the master RFS file server.

Cause: (for OpenNode request): The RFS client does not have sufficient permissions to retrieve the file from the master RFS file server.

Action: Change the permissions of the associated file on the master RFS file server to allow userid QTFTP to access the file.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.027 Received portmapper resp ( response_character) port: port_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.027 Received portmapper response ( response_character) port: port_number

Description: The RFS client received the specified portmapper response from the master RFS file server portmapper daemon.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.028 rfs_request_msg req sent ok ( num_bytes_sent bytes sent)

Long Syntax: TSRC.028 rfs_request_msg request sent successfully ( num_bytes_sent bytes sent)

Description: The RFS client successfully sent the specified RFS request to the master RFS file server


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.029 RC from rfs_reply_msg is ok

Long Syntax: TSRC.029 Return Code from rfs_reply_msg is ok

Description: The return code the RFS client received from the specified function call was ok.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.030 rfs_reply_msg rply looks ok ( num_bytes_received bytes received)

Long Syntax: TSRC.030 rfs_reply_msg reply looks ok ( num_bytes_received bytes received)

Description: The RFS client received the expected number of bytes for the indicated reply from the master RFS file server. The type of reply is specified along with the number of bytes received.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.031 RC from DS_RC rply: return_code_in_msg

Long Syntax: TSRC.031 Return Code contained in DS_RC reply: return_code_in_msg

Description: The specified Return Code was returned in a DS_RC RFS reply from the master RFS file server.

Cause: A DS_RC is a Return Code Data Structure used by the RFS file server to return a return code the the RFS client in response to an RFS request. Additional information on this return code may be found in the RFS specification.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.032 Remote/local timestamp match; thus file pathname will not be downloaded.

Long Syntax: TSRC.032 Remote/local timestamp match; thus file pathname will not be downloaded.

Description: The timestamp of the cache entry for the specified file in the cache matches the timestamp of the file on the master RFS file server. Since the cache entry for this file is up-to-date, the file will not be downloaded.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.033 Remote/local timestamp mismatch; thus file pathname will be downloaded.

Long Syntax: TSRC.033 Remote/local timestamp mismatch; thus file pathname will be downloaded.

Description: The timestamp of the cache entry for the specified file in the cache does NOT match the timestamp on the file on the master RFS file server. Since the cache entry for this file is not up-to-date, the file WILL be downloaded.



Short Syntax: TSRC.034 ERROR: StartServerReply reported bad primary RC: primary_return_code

Long Syntax: TSRC.034 ERROR: StartServerReply reported bad primary return code: primary_return_code

Description: The RFS client received a StartServerReply message from the master RFS server with a bad primary return code.

Cause: The RFS file server was NOT successfully started on the master server.

Action: Check the error log of the master server for further information on this error condition and for appropriate action.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.035 StartServerReply primary RC indicates success

Long Syntax: TSRC.035 StartServerReply primary return code indicates success

Description: The RFS client received a StartServerReply message with a successful primary return code.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.036 File length returned on Lookup rply: file_length

Long Syntax: TSRC.036 File length returned on Lookup reply: file_length

Description: The RFS client received a Lookup reply from the master RFS file server with the specified file length.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.037 Checking state of master RFS file server connection

Long Syntax: TSRC.037 Checking state of master RFS file server connection

Description: The RFS client is checking the state of its RFS master file server connection.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.038 Establishing communication with master RFS file server

Long Syntax: TSRC.038 Establishing communication with master RFS file server

Description: The RFS client is establishing communication with the master RFS file server.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.039 Disconnected from master RFS file server

Long Syntax: TSRC.039 Disconnected from master RFS file server

Description: The RFS client has disconnected from the master RFS file server.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.040 handle_name Handle: handle_value

Long Syntax: TSRC.040 handle_name Handle: handle_value

Description: The RFS client is reporting the value of the specified handle. The master RFS file server returns both Lookup and Open file handles.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.041 File handle returned on parameter_name rply: reply_name

Long Syntax: TSRC.041 File handle returned on parameter_name reply: reply_name

Description: The RFS client is reporting the value of the handle it received from the specified reply (from the master RFS file server).


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.042 reply_name has correct syntax

Long Syntax: TSRC.042 reply_name has correct syntax

Description: The RFS client is reporting that the specified reply has correct syntax.



Short Syntax: TSRC.043 Failed ASCII->UNICODE variable_name conversion of ascii_string; conv_rc= conversion_return_code

Long Syntax: TSRC.043 Failed ASCII->UNICODE variable_name conversion of ascii_string; conv_rc= conversion_return_code

Description: The ASCII->UNICODE conversion of the given ASCII string failed with the specified return code.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.044 Successful ASCII->UNICODE variable_name conversion of ascii_string

Long Syntax: TSRC.044 Successful ASCII->UNICODE variable_name conversion of ascii_string

Description: The ASCII->UNICODE conversion of the given ASCII string was successful.



Short Syntax: TSRC.045 ERROR: Unable to connect to master RFS server

Long Syntax: TSRC.045 ERROR: Unable to connect to master RFS server

Description: The RFS client is unable to connect to the master RFS file server.

Cause: This is often a symptom of a network problem or a symptom that the master RFS server daemon is not running.

Action: Verify connection with the master RFS server (for example, using ping or traceroute). Verify the master RFS server's subsystem processes are running. If the problem persists, try stopping and restarting the RFS server's subsystem processes on the master server.



Short Syntax: TSRC.046 Aborted Connection Retry: Exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts

Long Syntax: TSRC.046 Aborted Connection Retry: Exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts

Description: The RFS client has tried multiple times to connect with the master RFS file server and had given up.

Cause: This is often a symptom of a network problem or a symptom that the master RFS file server daemon is not running.

Action: Verify connection with the master RFS file server (for example, using ping or traceroute). Verify the master RFS file server's subsystem processes are running (for example, using wrksbs).

Action: If the problem persists, try stopping and restarting the RFS file server and TCPIP subsystem processes on the (AS/400) master server.

Action: If problem persists, restart the router's thin-server feature.

Action: If problem persists, restart the router.



Short Syntax: TSRC.047 Warning: RFS Server connection status is not valid

Long Syntax: TSRC.047 Warning: RFS Server connection status is not valid

Description: The RFS client has detected an invalid RFS server connection status.



Short Syntax: TSRC.048 seedrply is not valid

Long Syntax: TSRC.048 seedrply is not valid

Description: The RFS client detected an invalid seedrply


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.049 Attempting to connect to ip_address (port port_number)

Long Syntax: TSRC.049 Attempting to connect to ip_address (port port_number)

Description: The RFS client is attempting to connect to the master server at the specified IP address and port number.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.050 Connected to the AS/400 master RFS file server (as-file) thread

Long Syntax: TSRC.050 Connected to the AS/400 master RFS file server (as-file) thread

Description: The RFS client has successfully connected to the AS/400's master RFS file server (as-file) thread.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.051 Initializing socket_descriptor to port port_number, family family_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.051 Initializing socket_descriptor to port port_number, family family_number

Description: The RFS client is initializing the indicated socket descriptor to the specified port and family numbers.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.052 Sending req to obtain portnumber for: server_process

Long Syntax: TSRC.052 Sending request to obtain portnumber for: server_process

Description: The RFS client is issuing a request to the AS/400's port mapper to obtain the portnumber for the specified server process.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.053 Connected to the AS/400 portmapper server thread

Long Syntax: TSRC.053 Connected to the AS/400 portmapper server thread

Description: The RFS client has successfully connected to the AS/400's portmapper server thread.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.054 INFO: Value of refresh timeout: num_sec sec num_nsec nsec

Long Syntax: TSRC.054 INFO: Value of refresh timeout: num_sec sec num_nsec nsec

Description: The RFS client is reporting the current value of the refresh timeout variable. This variable is used to calculate the time remaining until the next automatic refresh of files in the preload list.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.055 Refreshing file: pathname

Long Syntax: TSRC.055 Refreshing file: pathname

Description: The RFS client is refreshing the specified file.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.056 Refresh timer expired

Long Syntax: TSRC.056 Refresh timer expired

Description: The RFS client refresh timer expired. If periodic refreshing is enabled, the files in the preload list will now be refreshed. See additional messages below to determine whether the preload list files are actually being refreshed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.057 (time_of_refresh == 0), NOT sending refresh msg

Long Syntax: TSRC.057 (time_of_refresh == 0), NOT sending refresh message

Description: The time_of_refresh parameter indicates files should NOT be periodically refreshed. The preload list file will not be refreshed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.058 action_name refresh msg

Long Syntax: TSRC.058 action_name refresh message

Description: A thread is performing the specified action with a refresh message to the RFS client thread.



Short Syntax: TSRC.059 ERROR: Received UNRECOGNIZED msg (in mq) - Discarding

Long Syntax: TSRC.059 ERROR: Received UNRECOGNIZED message (in message queue) - Discarding

Description: The RFS client received an unrecognized message from its message queue. The message will be discarded and RFS client processing will continue as normal.



Short Syntax: TSRC.060 Unable to action_name RFS client (pr_mq) mq rc= return_code errno= error_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.060 Unable to action_name RFS client (pr_mq) message queue rc= return_code errno= error_number

Description: The RFS client was unable to perform the specified action on the RFS client (pr_mq) message queue. The return code from the failed operation and the thread-specific error number at the time of failure are shown.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.061 INFO: Received message_name msg (in mq)

Long Syntax: TSRC.061 INFO: Received message_name message (in mq)

Description: The RFS client is reporting the receipt of a message from its pr_mq message queue.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.062 Either received msg, signal, or timer expired

Long Syntax: TSRC.062 Either received message, signal, or timer expired

Description: The RFS client detected that there is work to do as a result of either a message on its message queue, a signal, or an expiration of the refresh timer.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.063 Exited mq_timedreceive() with: rc= return_code errno= error_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.063 Exited mq_timedreceive() with: rc= return_code errno= error_number

Description: The RFS client exited its block mq_timedreceive routine with the indicated return code. The current value of errno for the RFS client thread is also displayed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.064 Processing msg (received from mq)

Long Syntax: TSRC.064 Processing message (received from message queue)

Description: The RFS client is processing the message it received from its message queue.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.065 Msg successfully sent to RFS client

Long Syntax: TSRC.065 Message successfully sent to RFS client

Description: A thread has successfully sent a message to the RFS client's message queue.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.066 RFS client (pr_mq) mq action_name

Long Syntax: TSRC.066 RFS client (pr_mq) mq action_name

Description: The indicated action is occurring to the RFS client (pr_mq) message queue.



Short Syntax: TSRC.067 ERROR: mqtimedreceive() call failed - No msg of desired type rc= return_code local_errno= error_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.067 ERROR: mqtimedreceive() call failed - No message of desired type rc= return_code local_errno= error_number

Description: The mqtimedreceive call failed because it did NOT find a message of the correct type in its pr_mq message queue.

Cause: A thread has sent an invalid message directly to the RFS client pr_mq message queue.

Action: The thread should use the RFS client interface multi-thread safe function call to send messages to the RFS client.

Cause: The RFS client has been triggered to look at its pr_mq message buffer for a message when no message is there.

Action: Save a dump of all TSRC ELS messages leading up to this error and report this error to your system administrator.



Short Syntax: TSRC.068 ERROR: Msg on pr_mq mq exceeds mq_recv_msg_buf size

Long Syntax: TSRC.068 ERROR: Message on pr_mq message queue exceeds mq_recv_msg_buf size

Description: The message being received from the pr_mq message queue exceeds mq_recv_msg_buf size.

Cause: A thread is sending a message to the RFS client thread which is larger than the RFS client thread's receive message buffer. The offending thread may be sending garbage data to the RFS client.

Action: For users: Contact your system administrator.

Action: For developers: The thread should ensure it is using the RFS client interface multi-thread safe function call to send messages to the RFS client. If the message is valid, either the thread should reduce the amount of data it is sending to the RFS client OR the RFS client should increase the size of its receive buffer to accomodate the incoming message.



Short Syntax: TSRC.069 ERROR: semaphore_name Sem creat failed rc= return_code errno= error_number

Long Syntax: TSRC.069 ERROR: semaphore_name Semaphore creation failed rc= return_code errno= error_number

Description: The RFS client failed to create the specified semaphore. The return code from the failed call and the thread-specific errno at the time of failure are shown.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.070 Creating sems

Long Syntax: TSRC.070 Creating semaphores

Description: The RFS client is creating its semaphores.



Short Syntax: TSRC.071 ERROR: Bad disk_io_parms.Status returned to WriteFileRequestCallbackFunc() by DiskTask; Status= disk_io_parms_status, Errno= disk_io_parms_errno

Long Syntax: TSRC.071 ERROR: Bad disk_io_parms.Status returned to WriteFileRequestCallbackFunc() by DiskTask; Status= disk_io_parms_status, Errno= disk_io_parms_errno

Description: The RFS client received a disk_io_parms block from DiskTask with a bad disk_io_parms Status. The Status and Errno from the disk_io_parms structure are reported. Consult the DiskTask (TSDK) ELS messages for more information on the error condition and for the appropriate action to take.



Short Syntax: TSRC.072 ERROR: Stopping reading the preload list due to bad disk_io_parms.Status returned from DiskTask: disk_io_parms_status

Long Syntax: TSRC.072 ERROR: Stopping reading the preload list due to bad disk_io_parms.Status returned from DiskTask: disk_io_parms_status

Description: The RFS client is terminating the ReadFileData() while loop due to a bad disk_io_parms.Status returned by DiskTask. The bad Status value is shown.

Cause: The DiskTask ReadFileData() interface function call failed.

Action: Perform a thin-server refresh.

Action: If problem persists, consult the DiskTask (TSDK) ELS messages for more information on the error condition and for the appropriate action to take.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.073 UpdateFileInfo() returned a RC: rc= return_code

Long Syntax: TSRC.073 UpdateFileInfo() returned a return code: rc= return_code

Description: The RFS client is reporting that the UpdateFileInfo() interface function call to DiskTask returned with the specified return code. Refer to the thin-server DiskTask documentation for more information on this return code.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.074 disk_io_parms.Errno returned by DiskTask = disk_io_parms_errno

Long Syntax: TSRC.074 disk_io_parms.Errno returned by DiskTask = disk_io_parms_errno

Description: The RFS client is reporting the disk_io_parms.Errno that was returned by DiskTask. Refer to the thin-server DiskTask documentation for more information on this return code.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.075 Exiting ReadFileData() while loop due to ActualLen: actual_length_value

Long Syntax: TSRC.075 Exiting ReadFileData() while loop due to ActualLen: actual_length_value

Description: The RFS client is reporting that it exitied the ActualLen while loop (which stores a file to the cache) due to there being no more bytes left in the file. A non-zero ActualLen value specified here is cause for concern.

Cause: During normal operation, this message will report value=0 A non-zero value indicates there is a problem.

Action: If a non-zero value is observerd, save all TSRC and TSDK error ELS messages and report the problem to your system administrator.



Short Syntax: TSRC.076 ERROR: action_name file: pathname

Long Syntax: TSRC.076 ERROR: action_name file: pathname

Description: The specified file operation failed on the specified file.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.077 Attempting to open local file on disk: pathname

Long Syntax: TSRC.077 Attempting to open local file on disk: pathname

Description: The RFS client is attempting to open the specified file on the local hard disk.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.078 Local file write() was successful; bytes written: num_bytes_written

Long Syntax: TSRC.078 Local file write() was successful; bytes written: num_bytes_written

Description: The RFS client successful wrote the specified number of bytes to the local hard disk.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.079 INFO: Filename: pathname

Long Syntax: TSRC.079 INFO: Filename: pathname

Description: The RFS client is reporting a specific filename associated with the previous ELS message.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRC.080 File data to temp buffer read() looks ok; bytes received: num_bytes_received, bytes remaining: num_bytes_remaining

Long Syntax: TSRC.080 File data to temp buffer read() looks ok; bytes received: num_bytes_received, bytes remaining: num_bytes_remaining

Description: The RFS client is downloading a file from the master RFS file server. This message reports each packet that the RFS client reads from the socket stream to the thin-server cache.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.081 counter_config value variable_name = value

Long Syntax: TSRC.081 counter_config value variable_name = value

Description: The value of the specified counter/configuration parameter is shown.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.082 counter_config value variable_name = value_string

Long Syntax: TSRC.082 counter_config value variable_name = value_string

Description: The value of the specified counter/configuration parameter string is shown.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRC.083 function_name() call failed rc= return_code

Long Syntax: TSRC.083 function_name() call failed rc= return_code

Description: The specified function call failed. The return code from the failed function is indicated. This message does not necessarily indicate that an error occurred. This message occurs during the course of normal operations.

Cause: The RFS client reached the end of the preload list and tried to read past the end of the file.

Action: Take no action. This is a normally occurring message.

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